丸山 達生 (MARUYAMA, Tatsuo)no photo


九州大学大学院工学研究院応用化学部門分子 助教


  • E-mail:tmarutcm@mbox.nc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
  • 〒812-0395 福岡県福岡市西区元岡744
  • TEL:092-802-2919
  • FAX:092-802-2810








  1. バイオマスを利用した有価金属の分離回収
  2. 核酸を用いた分析・分離システム


照会先(HP URL)




  1. T. Maruyama, T. Hosogi, M. Goto, Sequence-selective extraction of single-stranded DNA using DNA-functionalized reverse micelles. Chem Commun, in press.
  2. T Maruyama, K Nakashima, F Kubota, M Goto, Perfluorocarbon-based Liquid-Liquid Extraction for Separation of Transition Metal Ions. Anal Sci 23 763-765 (2007).
  3. T. Maruyama, H. Matsushita, Y. Shimada, I. Kamata, M. Hanaki, S. Sonokawa, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Proteins and protein-rich biomass as environmental-friendly adsorbents selective for precious metal ions. Environ Sci Technol 41, 1359-1364 (2007).
  4. J. Tominaga, Y. Kemori, Y. Tanaka, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya and M. Goto, An enzymatic method for site-specific labeling of recombinant proteins with oligonucleotides. Chem Commun 401-403 (2007).
  5. T. Maruyama, S. Sonokawa, H. Matsushita and M. Goto, Inhibitiory effects of gold(III) ions on ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease. J Inorg. Biochem. 101, 180?186 (2007).
  6. T. Maruyama, C. Komatsu, J. Michizoe, S. Sakai and M. Goto, Laccase-mediated degradation and reduction of toxicity of the postharvest fungicide imazalil. Process Biochem. 42, 459-461 (2007).
  7. K. Nakashima, J. Okada, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Activation of lipase in ionic liquids by modification with comb-shaped poly(ethylene glycol). Sci Technol Adv Mater 7, 692-698 (2006).
  8. K. Nakashima, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Homogeneous Enzymatic Reaction in Ionic Liquids with Poly(ethylene glycol)-Modified Subtilisin. Org. Biomol Chem 4, 3462?3467 (2006).
  9. T. Maruyama, T. Shinohara, T. Hosoki, H. Ichinose, N. Kamiya and M. Goto, Masking oligonucleotides improve sensitivity of mutation detection based on guanine quenching. Anal. Biochem. 354, 8?14 (2006)
  10. .
  11. T. Maruyama, C. Komatsu, J. Michizoe, H. Ichinose and M. Goto, Laccase-mediated oxidative degradation of the herbicide dymron. Biotechnol Prog. 22, 426-430 (2006).
  12. K. Nakashima, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Comb-shaped poly(ethylene glycol)-modified subtilisin Carlsberg is soluble and highly active in ionic liquids. Chem. Commun. 4297-4299 (2005).
  13. E. Miyako, T. Maruyama, F. Kubota, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Optical resolution of various amino acids using a supported liquid membrane encapsulating a surfactant-protease complex. Langmuir 20, 5564-5568 (2005).
  14. T. Maruyama, T. Takata, H. Ichinose, N. Kamiya, H. Kuma, N. Hamasaki, H. Morita and M. Goto, Detection of point mutations in the HBV polymerase gene using a fluorescence intercalator in reverse micelles. Biotechnol Prog, 21, 575-579 (2005).
  15. E. Miyako, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, A supported liquid membrane encapsulating a surfactant-lipase complex for selective separation of organic acids. Chem Eur J 11, 1163-1170 (2005).
  16. T. Maruyama, T. Kaji, T. Ohkawa, K. Sotowa, H. Matsushita, F. Kubota, N. Kamiya, K. Kusakabe, M. Goto, Intermittent partition walls promote solvent extraction of metalions in a microfluidic device. Analyst 129, 1008-1013 (2004).
  17. E. Miyako, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, and M. Goto, Highly enantioselective separation using a supported liquid membrane encapsulating surfactant-enzyme complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 8622-8623 (2004).
  18. T. Maruyama, H. Matsushita, J. Uchida, F. Kubota, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Liquid membrane operations in a microfluidic device for selective separation of metal ions. Anal. Chem., 76, 4495-4500 (2004).
  19. 都英次郎、丸山達生、神谷典穂、後藤雅宏、有機酸の選択的分離が可能なリパーゼ-オルガノゲル膜システムの開発、膜、29, 236-243 (2004).
  20. T. Maruyama, H. Yamamura, T. Kotani, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Poly(ethylene glycol)-lipase complex highly active and enantioselective in ionic liquids. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2, 1239-1244 (2004).
  21. T. Maruyama, T. Kotani, H. Yamamura, N. Kamiya, and M. Goto, Poly(ethylene glycol)-lipase complexes catalytically-active in fluorous solvents. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2, 524-527 (2004).
  22. 丸山達生、内田純一、大川朋裕、久保田富生子、神谷典穂、後藤雅宏、マイクロ流体デバイスを用いたオリゴペプチドの固相合成,化学工学論文集、30, 180-182 (2004).
  23. T. Maruyama, L.-C. Park, T. Shinohara, M. Goto, DNA hybridization in nanostructural molecular assemblies enables detection of gene mutations without a fluorescent probe. Biomacromolecules, 5, 49-53 (2004).
  24. E. Miyako, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, and M. Goto, Enantioselective transport of (S)-ibuprofen through a lipase-facilitated supported liquid membrane based on ionic liquids. Chem. Commun., (23) 2926-2927 (2003).
  25. T. Maruyama, J. Uchida, T. Ohkawa, T. Futami, K. Katayama, K. Nishizawa, K. Sotowa, F. Kubota, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Enzymatic degradation of p-chlorophenol in a two-phase flow microchannel system. Lab on a Chip, 3, 315-319 (2003).
  26. E. Miyako, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Lipase-catalyzed reactions drive transport of organic acids through a supported liquid membrane. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 96, 370-374 (2003).
  27. E. Miyako, T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, Use of ionic liquids in a lipase-facilitated supported liquid membrane. Biotechnol. Lett. 25, 805-808 (2003).
  28. T. Maruyama, M. Nakajima, H. Kondo, K. Kawasaki, M. Seki M. Goto, Can Lipases Hydrolyze Peptide Bond? Enz. Microb. Technol. 32, 655-657 (2003).

  29. 解説
  30. 丸山達生、後藤雅宏、リボヌクレアーゼ、デオキシリボヌクレアーゼ活性のON-OFF制御、同仁ニュース 117, 12 (2006).
  31. T. Maruyama, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, "Handbook of Lipid Enzymology" Chapt. 9, Modification of Lipases, in press, Marcel Dekker (2005).
  32. 丸山達生、後藤雅宏、ナノ集合体逆ミセルを用いた遺伝子診断、化学工業、Vol 55, No. 4, 263-267(2004)
  33. 後藤雅宏、久保田富生子、丸山達生、選択的分離技術としての液膜法の新展開、ケミヤカルエンジニヤリング、48、49-55 (2003).
  34. 後藤雅宏、神谷典穂、丸山達生、非水系での生体触媒反応プロセスの構築、最近の化学工学54, 45-62 (2002)


トップページ 井嶋 博之 井藤 彰 井上 元 岩熊 美奈子 岩本 光生 大栄 薫 大島 達也 大渡 啓介 神谷 典穂 川喜田 英孝 清山 史朗 後藤 宗治 境 慎司 下山 裕介 塩盛 弘一郎 通阪 栄一 中澤 浩二 中島 一紀 西浜 章平 平田 誠 前田 良輔 松隈 洋介 松根 英樹 松山 清 丸山 達生 水田 敬 吉田 昌弘
〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744